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Empty Quiver donates thousands of dollars each year to over 20 local schools, the Scouts, 4-H, several local churches, The Rocky Mountain Elks Foundations, The Rocky Mountain Mule Deer Foundations, the Ronald McDonald House, and many more organizations.


Most of our donations are in forms of Gift Certificates for Silent Auctions.


We also accept used equipment that we restore to almost new conditions and donate to a local shooter that has earned it, but usually can't afford the equipment.


We do not accept or give cash donations.


If you have equipment you might be able to donate, please drop it off at Empty Quiver Archery and we will restore it. We will take care of any costs. Please keep the equipment semi - modern.


If you have a fund raiser coming up for practically any occasion, contact us and we will see if we're able to help.


Before & After

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