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Empty Quiver Archery

Archery Range
7180 W 117th Ave Unit C
Broomfield, CO. 80020

Hours of Operation
Mon - Fri 10AM - 10PM
Sat 10AM - 8PM

Sunday 10AM - 4PM


Welcome to Empty Quiver Archery

Empty Quiver is a 20 yard, indoor archery range with 28 lanes. We provide year round enjoyment for archers of all levels and all ages including an ever growing and popular youth program, beginner classes, mixed target leagues, and open shooting.

Our objective is the elevation of the sport of archery through education and the promotion of youth, family and individual archery participation. 
Our knowledgeable staff have years of experience and can provide instruction to all archers regardless of skill level. We cultivate an atmosphere of fun and safety, where it is easy to make new friends and share experiences. We look forward to seeing you at the range soon!

Archery Classes

Archery Classes

Thursday 4:30PM and 6:30PM


Saturday 9AM, 12PM and 3PM

Welcome to Empty Quiver Beginner's Program.


This class is designed to help teach beginning and youth archers' proper technique, form, range safety and basic shooting skills while promoting archery in a safe, controlled and fun environment.


Participants must be 8 years old or older.


We always start shooters out with the basic mindset of having fun. Under the watchful eye of our coaches, your first steps in archery are carefully guided. We are committed to helping you develop a lifelong passion for archery.


If you want to get serious and take archery "to the next level" we have coaches that can help you do that. Empty Quiver can take you to any level that archery has to offer whether through Field, Target, 3-D, Hunting, or Olympic Archery events. Our coaches are highly decorated archers and will support you on your archery journey.


Archery Classes
Thursday 4:30PM and 6:30PM
Saturday 9AM, 12PM and 3PM
Please come 15 - 20 minutes early.
We do not let any shooters into our classes if they arrive late.

How much does it cost?
Our classes only cost $22 with your own equipment.
We do charge $8 to rent the equipment.
So, $30 covers everything. 
There's even a $5 discount when booking online.

How big are the classes?
We usually average 15 people per class and each class has 3 instructors,
so you will be very well looked after.

Private 1-On-1 Coaching is also available.

We can book a private lesson with you at almost anytime we are open, days or evenings. We do need a few days notice to make sure our coaches are available. If you'd like to book a private lesson please call or emails us with a date in mind.


"Target archery is one of the safest sports for kids because the discipline involved teaches participants to be safe while having fun."
Mark Miller, Past President USA Archery
"We implemented archery in schools across Kentucky in 2002, and because we emphasized safety with our students, conducted training for all teachers, and adhered to standard procedures, we have had a remarkable safety record. Vigilant school districts are always concerned about liability issues, especially with sports and recreational activities, and archery consistently proves itself one of the safest sports taught in our public schools' physical education programs." Commissioner Gene Wilhoit Kentucky Department of Education
"I have been involved in youth archery programs since 1973 and have never had nor heard of any serious archery accident or injury."
Ronald A. Howard Jr, PhD Professor and Extension Specialist - 4-H
Empty Quiver's Coaches

Coaches and Instructors

Empty Quiver prides itself on some of the coaches we have. We're not like other programs, our coaches are proven shooters. We don't let anyone teach, our coaches have been through the same system that we're teaching.


We're not just talk, we live it.

We started with a stick and a string and had someone show us how to shoot our arrows. We developed the archery bug and just never quit. Now we are trying to help the next generation of archers achieve the fun times and successes that we've experienced.

Alex Becker
coaches 173 (2).jpg
Level 2.jpg

Coaching for 9 years
Former National Champion
Compound Freestyle Division

Brian Tamura
Coach Brian.jpg

First Year Coaching
Barebow Recurve Style


Jeff Sadler
Briana Garcia
Jeff Sadler.jpg

1st year coaching
Recurve Barebow Style

Briana G.jpg
Level 2.jpg

Coaching for 3 years
Top 3 in Colorado JOAD Compound Freestyle Division

Jason Henley
Coach Jason.jpg

First Year Coaching
Olympic Recurve Style

Gia Sagrillo

First Year Coaching
Compound Freestyle

Savannah McQueary
Colman Frequez
Colton McQueary
Savannah 2021.jpg

Coaching for 2 years
Working on First Championship
Compound Freestyle

Coming Soon 2.jpg

First Year Coaching
Olympic Recurve

Colton Coaching Photo .jpg

1st Year Coaching
Ranked 42rd in the World
Compound Freestyle

Kaytlynn Sheering

First Year Coaching
Olympic Recurve


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